Here’s to hope.

The entire process was great messy fun and a satisfying waste of time.

Spacing out in our space

A friend asked his artist friends to share photos of their work spaces for a presentation he was working on. When I sent him mine, his comment was, “I love ugly offices.” That’s what I have. My office is situated in a dilapidated mobile home across the road from my house. We call the old…

Restoring Old Stuff

What Do They Dream? is one my ideas that’s been rejected by a small number of publishers, most 4-5 years ago. Several rejections were very nice, just “too many dream books.” So after filing it away for a few years, I decided to try to make the text more unique, and continue working on collage…

Old dog keeps on trying new tricks

African Elephant I’m still messing about with collage and the computer. This time I wanted the line drawing (that I create with a real pencil and piece of paper) to look like a block print. Well, it looks more like stained glass, but that’s okay. I used the “cut-out” feature in Photoshop to get the…

Back to Work.

This is another collage for the nonfiction book I’ve been working on. The verse is omitted since I hope to sell the idea at some point, but this critter and the setting worked well as a subject for collage. I hope that the publisher hires me to illustrate it if it sells! But honestly, that…

Bad Poetry? Oh, noetry!

I was researching a new nonfiction book idea and recalling one of my favorite editors telling me that my nonfiction writing is too “textbooky” for her. Yeah, that’s a word. And selling a book to that editor is on my bucket list. I have been getting kind rejections from her for about twenty years. Seriously….

Switching Gears

I had a week after the school visit to catch up on things, so I used some of the time to keep messing with computer collage, gleefully recalling that this time last year I was stressing out over the annual SCBWI Spring Conference. Retirement is good. Here’s the latest version of the collage I was…